Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Child-Killer Zimmerman Armed to the Teeth!

Well is anyone surprised? Yet alarming, nonetheless.

George Zimmerman Cover

As reported in the last post, child-murdering, cowardly piece-of-shit George Zimmerman had been arrested on Monday Nov. 18th after terrorizing his hot blonde girlfriend - pointing a shotgun in her face, forcing her out of the Apopka, FL house they both shared, and barricading himself inside.  When sheriff's deputies arrived, Zimmerman was arrested without [further] incident. He appeared in court the following day, posted bail of $9,000, and is currently awaiting trial on charges of aggravated assault, battery, and criminal mischief.

Even though he essentially got off [once] again, Zimmerman's bond did contain some strict conditions. One of those conditions was that he not be allowed access to any firearms. So when deputies went back to the house/hideout, they ended up confiscating 5 guns and more than 100 rounds of ammunition!!! One of these weapons included the shotgun Zimmerman pointed at his ex-girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe. No confirmation yet as to whether one of the 3 handguns taken was the one GZ used when he murdered 17 year old Trayvon Martin on Feb. 26th 2012. If the former self-appointed neighborhood watchman hadn't been running scared before, surely he is now without his private arsenal of weapons and ammo. Must be absolutely terrifying for a guy who claims to have received 400 death threats a minute. 

Zimmerman had five guns and over 100 rounds of ammunition in Scheibe's house

The tactical shotgun Zimmerman was accused of pointing at his ex-girlfriend.
zimmerman warrant guns

The five weapons Zimmerman was in possession of, before being confiscated by sheriff's deputies.
So here's what Zimbo got arrested with. Looks like a lot, does't it? But is it, really? Or is he just a lot to deal with? (Image courtesy of

Quite the stockpile for one man, isn't it? Then again, if I were shaking in Zimmerman's boots, I'd want to be as heavily armed as possible too! A pocket knife and religious pendent were also confiscated. Apparently GZ is still a god-fearing man as well. Other conditions of Zimmerman's release pending trial include:
- NO contact with his former girlfriend.
- Must wear an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet.
- Must not leave the state of FL.

these other conditions are no-doubt cake-walks for the child-killer. But having all of his weaponry taken away must be truly painful for him.

 george zimmerman aggravated assault case girlfriend 9000 bond zero contact relinquish firearms suicidal threats monitoring device florida

Poor baby!

Friday, November 22, 2013

George Zimmerman Charged With Felony Assault - Surprised?


So George "Peckerwood" Zimmerman, 30, child murderer, was arrested on Monday Nov. 18th and charged with assault. The short version (just to get it out of the way) is that he pointed a SHOTGUN at his girlfriend, a woman identified as Samantha Scheibe, 27. According to many various news reports, Zimmerman was living/hiding out with Scheibe in a residence which she rented, picked a fight with her, pulled a long-barreled shotgun on her, forced her outside the residence, and barricaded himself inside until authorities arrived.

Scheibe called 911 and when police arrived, Zimmerman was arrested (again) without incident. The 911 call was made from a home in Seminole County near some small town called Apopka, 15 miles from Orlando, FL.

Never one to stay behind bars too long though, scumbag Zimmerman posted bail for $9,000 (with conditions) after appearing in court the following day. He's currently awaiting trial on charges of pointing a firearm at his girlfriend and menacing.

Piece-of-shit Zimmerman makes another public sighting in court.

Obviously, this isn't Zimmerman's first run-a-foul with the law... not even since the worthless sack-of-shit was acquitted in the stalking and murder of Trayvon Martin back in July of this year. As a matter of fact, wannabe-cop Zimmerman has a well-documented criminal history that includes:

- felony assault
- battery
- menacing
- stalking
- terroristic threats
- obstruction of justice
- resisting arrest
- felony weapon's use
- intimidation,
- speeding, etc.

- Also, in July 2005, he was arrested on charges of felony resisting arrest and violence. The wannabe cop was also charged with fighting a police officer. Those charges were later dropped.
- In August 2005, an ex-girlfriend named Veronica Zuazo filed a restraining order against him, citing domestic violence. She also accused Zimmerman of stalking her in her neighborhood. He was on bond at this time, pending other criminal charges.  
- In Dec. 2006, he was arrested for speeding. Charges were later dropped when the arresting cop failed to appear in court. 
- Plus his own [estranged] wife, Shellie Zimmerman, has described him as a "ticking time bomb" and "acting like a monster". However She is incorrect on this, because GZ was a ticking time bomb that had already GONE OFF! That happened on the night he murdered Trayvon.   

Nonetheless, fame and notoriety seemed to have worked out rather well for Zimmerman. As noted before, his most recent arrest involved his girlfriend - bimbo/fame whore Samantha Scheibe. His estranged wife, obese liar Shellie, had sought a divorce back in Sept. But before that, she was just happy to "stand by her man" throughout his murder trail, even going so far as to LIE to a jury on her sorry-ass husband's behave.

Since he and his wife (childless, thank the Devil) have parted ways, GZ has found new affection, post-trial, in a younger, hotter, prettier, possibly stupider woman. Murdering an un-armed teenager has certainly paid off for Zimmerman. Simply take a moment to look at his estranged wife here:
george zimmerman's wife arrested

Now look at his most recent girlfriend (hopefully ex-girlfriend by now), whose face he pointed a shotgun at:


Clearly, Zimmerman's "celebrity" status has been working out rather well for him. Ever since he got off on murder back in July he's been living high off the hog, hiding out, stocking up on weaponry, growing a bread, and basically becoming [even more] obese. No word yet as to whether Zimmerman's picked up another neighborhood watching gig. But it looks like the POS's every day living has been supplemented by all that money donated to him by racist hate groups.  

"TOM" Zimmerman: whore shill for right-wing bigots.

Despite having to watch his back for the rest of his bastard miserable life, Zimmerman did quite well for himself. Most other people don't do so well after they gun down an innocent, un-armed 17 year old child who was just minding his own business. Zimmerman on the other hand; he's been stinking like roses since this past summer. And his well-documented history of bullying and violent criminal behavior seemed to have not hindered him any. A THUG if there ever was one, Zimmerman's never spent more than a week or two in jail. He's gotten off on picking fights with cops, terrorizing wives and girlfriends, pointing guns at people, multiple speeding violations, etc. He got off on murdering a child, and his sorry bastard ass will likely get off on these most recent charges as well.

One has to really ponder why/how these two have not hooked up, yet:


Two peas in a pod.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Another Crash Victim Seeking Help, Murdered by Racist Beast

Ok, this is just fucking ridiculous! Renisha McBride, 19, had gotten into a car accident in Dearborn Heights, MI (Detroit area) in the early hours of Saturday Nov. 2nd, 2013. McBride survived the crash, but was bloody, dazed, and possibly still injured when she managed to escape her vehicle. She walked for around 2 hours until she reached the first house she saw. McBride knocked, or possibly banged on the door, seeking help. Instead of providing needed assistance to a bleeding and injured woman, or even calling 911 (McBride's cellular device was reportedly dead at the time), the man who answered the door pointed a shotgun at her, and shot McBride in the face at point-blank range. He waited an hour, THEN he called 911. 

The man (so to speak), who gunned down the helpless woman has been identified as Theodore Wafer, 54. As mentioned before, Wafer hesitated an HOUR before calling 911, telling the operator he had shot someone on his front porch. By the time police arrived, their job had already been done for them - McBride was laying on the ground dead, massive shotgun wound to the head.

Racist murdering POS Theodore Wafer, in court facing criminal charges.
Theodore P. Wafer, 54, of Dearborn Heights, appears at his arraignment in 20th District Court in Deaborn Heights, Mich., Friday, Nov. 15, 2013. Wafer faces second-degree murder and manslaughter charges in the death of 19-year-old Renisha McBride. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)
Wafer would initially claim that his gun went off "accidentally". But later, he changed his story to "self-defense". Civil rights groups and citizens, as well as McBride's family, were outraged that racist pig Wafer had not been immediately arrested. After much protest and national scrutiny, the D.A.'s office of Wayne County, MI had finally decided to press formal charges against Wafer. On Friday Nov. 15th, the killer appeared in a Dearborn 20th district courtroom to be arraigned on charges of:

- second degree murder - possible life sentence
- manslaughter - possible 15 year sentence
- felony firearm use - mandatory two year sentence upon conviction

That same day, Wayne County prosecutor Kym Worthy held a news conference announcing the charges against Wafer, and explaining her office's decision for moving on the case, based on findings such as:

 - Wafer opening his interior front door, but shooting McBride through a locked screen door.
- NO sign of forced entry
- NO weapon found on the victim
- NO reason for the homeowner to feel he was under any threat what so ever

The D.A.'s findings are important see, because after Wafer initially gave that lame-ass excuse of his gun going off accidently (even if that were true, it would mean that he was one incredible irresponsible and shitty gun user), he LATER changed his story and claimed "self defense". Michigan has a so-called "stand your ground" law similar to the infamous law in Florida. In fact, the syg laws of both states are quite similar (obviously, POLICE are given cart blanche exception to such laws, which is unfortunate). But see the thing is, in order for Wafer to rightfully site this law (which he was apparently unaware of on the night he murdered McBride), he would had to have felt that his life and/or safety were in imminent danger from this 5'4" petite, unarmed, woman who had just been in a car crash.

Which one looks scarier?

So basically, Wafer is justifying his actions that night by essentially admitting that he is an incredibly soft and weak coward who frightens easily from people who pose NO physical threat to him what so ever. In other words, the George Zimmerman defense! McBride's grieving mother Monica McBride was quoted as saying:

“I can’t imagine in my wildest dreams of what that man feared from her to shoot her in the face,” her mother Monica McBride said on Friday. “I would like to know why. She brought him no danger.”

Wayne County prosecutor Kym Worthy announces criminal charges against Wafer on Nov. 15th
Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy announces second-degree murder and manslaughter charges against Theodore Wafer, 54, of Dearborn Heights, during a news conference in Detroit Friday.

Monica McBride and Walter Ray Simmons - parents of the murdered 19 year old
Monica McBride and Walter Ray Simmons, parents of 19-year-old shooting victim Renisha McBride, speak to reporters after their daughter's funeral service in Detroit, Michigan on Nov. 8.

A mourner holds program announcing Renisha McBride's funeral, held on Nov. 8th.

Protesters holding one of several rallies demanding justice for McBride.
Protesters demand justice for Renisha McBride

Now it must also be mentioned that a toxicology report has been released showing that McBride had an alcohol content level which was twice the state's legal limit. This information is relevant to an extent, but means very little in the long run. It suggests that McBride was likely impaired at the moment she crashed her car into a parked vehicle. But keep in mind, that crash was reported to have occurred shortly after 1:00am. It wasn't until 3:40am when McBride had made her way to Wafer's porch, so it is very unlikely that she would've shown any signs of obvious drunkenness. Predictably, many White racists (as well as a handful of self-loathing TOMS) have latched onto this ONE minor fact and ran a thousand yards with it. Very typical. As if being [possibly] drunk deserves the DEATH PENALTY.

And no word yet as to Wafer's alcohol level that night, which would be far more relevant to this case! But Wafer himself is very typical of a certain arch-type in this awful country: angry White male - racist, homophobic, misogynistic, scared to death, and armed to the teeth!

Slaughter house: Wafer's home and front porch where he shot McBride that night.
Dearborn Heights, Michigan - The house where Renisha McBride was shot in the early morning hours of November 2, 2013.

Shock & mourning: McBride's funeral had to be 'closed-casket' due to her horrific injuries.
Heavy burden: Pallbearers carry the casket for 19-year-old shooting victim Renisha McBride

Now this [latest] killing draws obvious similarities (for different reasons) to two other cases.
1. - the murder of 17 year old Trayvon Martin, whose case came to a legal conclusion just this summer.
2. - the murder Jonathan Ferrell, which happened just in Sept. this year. Eerily similar, Ferrell had also been involved in a car crash, crawled from his vehicle, knocked on a White home-owner's door for help, only to end up shot to death. Only in Ferrell's case, he was murdered by a cop, who has since been charged thankfully.,0,4881817.story#axzz2lPEX7UxS

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Car Crash Victim Seeks Help, is Gunned Down by Pig

*******BREAKING UPDATE: In yet another (?!) outrageous and bizarrely similar case, Renisha McBride, 19, was slaughtered by racist monster when attempting to seek help following car crash in Detroit area!!! Injured Black woman seeks help following car crash in Dearborn, MI, receives shotgun blast to head instead! More on this in next post!******* 

So there seems to be a bit of a pandemic in America, of innocent un-armed Black people being gunned down - mostly by gestapo police terrorists, racist vigilantes, other times. While all these cases are horrific, THIS one is pretty fucking bad.

On September 14th 2013, Jonathan Ferrell, 24, was involved in a car crash in Charlotte, North Carolina (being in N.Carolina alone, the odds were already against him. Not that he stood any better a chance in the state from which he had moved, Florida). Ferrell had just given a friend a ride home. He was heading home himself, when he got into a serious car accident. His vehicle was totaled and kicking out the back window was his only means of escape.

Jonathan Ferrell seen here, while still at FL A&M U. *courtesy Facebook.
Jon Ferrell shooting Jonathan Ferrell

Ferrell's car, after the crash.
Jonathan Ferrell's wrecked Toyota Camry. The accident was so bad that Ferrell had to climb to the back of the vehicle and kick through the back window just to get out of it.

Disoriented but apparently having escaped grievous injury, Ferrell staggered his way about half a mile up a road leading into an up-scale bourgeois neighborhood. There, he banged on the front door of one home seeking help. One woman, identified as Sarah McCartney, 32, had answered. Rather than seeing an injured human in desperate need of medical care, she instead saw a "BIIIIG SCARY BLACK MAN", whom she assumed right away was attempting to break into her home and possibly rape her. So this racist twat slammed the door in Ferrell's face and called the cops (as racist twats are often want to do).

Racist twat Sarah McCartney, left, seen here with unidentified bourgeois bimbo friend getting wasted. *courtesy Facebook
Jon Ferrell shooting

When cops arrived, Ferrell attempted to flag them down, because he had just been involved in a terrible car crash and needed HELP, see. Instead, police immediately tasered him without any warning, nor verbal orders. It was then that Officer Randall Kerrick, of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Gestapo, fired upon Ferrell 12 times, hitting him ten times.

Former Officer & racist murderer Randall Kerrick

Ferrell died at the scene , fell by a barrage of gunfire from one cop's gun. He was un-armed, of fucking course. Predictably, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Gestapo's initial reflex was to LIE and COVER-UP, stating that [Officer] Kerrick's actions were "appropriate and lawful". The CMPG also said that Ferrell "continued to advance upon the officers", even after he had already been hit with a taser. This is an obvious LIE that cops tell all the damned time, whenever they electrocute someone then follow it up with gun shots.

 CMPD officer charged

Since then and after much public outcry and national attention - comparable to the Trayvon Martin murder - Kerrick has been ARRESTED and FORMALLY CHARGED! The CMPG has also since walked back its words initially defending fellow pig (now defendant) Kerrick, clarifying that excessive force was used. Now to put shit into perspective, Kerrick has been charged with 'voluntary manslaughter', so even IF the filthy murderous pig is convicted, chances that he'll serve more than a few measly-ass years in prison is a long-shot. After-all, Johannes Mehserle, the filthy-ass pig who murdered Oscar Grant in Oakland on NYE 2009 received and served but two years. That said, that a cop face criminal prosecution at all remains both a rare and astounding aberration in Amerikkka!

[Then] Officer Randall Kerrick, as a worthless beat pig.
Randall Kerrick, the cop who fired 10 shots into car-accident survivor Jonathan Ferrell.

For her part, racist callous cop-caller Susan McCartney tries to explain herself and her own actions that night. Lying, denying, and covering her sorry ass, McCartney is all excuses as she plays the "scared mother" card and claims that Ferrell "never" asked for help that night - an outrageous LIE. McCartney makes the lame-ass excuse that she thought Ferrell was a "burglar" attempting to rob her. Right, because that's exactly how burglars operate - by BANGING ON THE FRONT GODDAMN DOOR and waiting for someone to answer it, jesus! This fucking bitch, this fucking ugly, racist, cowardly BITCH - I hope her ugly fucking baby dies of SIDS!

Privilege Denying Gal - It's sexist to call out white women for racism

 Refusing to own up to her own internal racism, as well as taking responsibility for HER role in Ferrell's homicide, McCartney is a typical representation of what you can expect from uppity, bourgeois, fortified, christian White people in North Carolina.

Susan McCartney, pictured here with ugly baby. *courtesy Facebook
Jon Ferrell shooting

Sign leading to up-scale neighborhood/rich ghetto where Ferrell sought help in vain.

The only god-forsaken reason Jonathan Ferrell had even moved to such an awful state was to be with his fiancĂ©, Cache Heidel. A former football player for Florida A&M University, Ferrell had been working two jobs in order to pay for his annual $15,000 tuition for his schooling in Charlotte, for which he was studying chemistry as a major. He had hoped to become an engineer for BMW. Basically, he was ON TOP of his game at the time of his murder.

 Happier days: Ferrell pictured here with his fiancĂ© Cache Heidel. *courtesy Facebook.
jon ferrell jonathan ferrell shooting

jon ferrell jonathan ferrell shooting

Also of note, toxicology reports prove that Ferrell had neither been on drugs nor intoxicated on that night. Clean as a whistle, he was.

Heart-broken: Ferrell's grieving mother Georgia, along with brother Willie (left) and lawyer representing family Chris Chestnut (center) during mournful press conference.

Georgia Ferrell tries to remain positive, even in midst of her son's senseless murder.
Georgia Ferrell says she forgives the North Carolina cop who killed her son, but she wants justice.
Black men are more likely to REST in peace than LIVE in peace in this miserable, mad slaughterhouse of a country. It's fucking sad...
Jon Ferrell shooting Jonathan Ferrell

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Killer Bread Co-Founder Goes on Muthafuckin' Rampage - FUCK YES!

Ever heard of 'Dave's Killer Bread'? If you live here in the North West, you most likely have come across it in a grocery store.

Dave Dahl, the co-founder of Dave's Killer Bread, suffered a mental health crisis and gone on an EPIC RAMPAGE on Friday Nov. 15th, leaving destruction and at least one injured deputy in his wake!

 Devastation courtesy of Killer Dave... 

DKB is a locally owned bread company
currently based out of Milwaukie, OR. Their product is considered a regional staple and is sold in stores all over the state (for now). Each loaf of bread is packaged and stamped with the co-founder's story of redemption, explaining how the bread-maker once led a life of crime, drugs, and thuggery (like any cop, pretty much) before changing paths. After having served a 15 year prison term, Dahl founded the locally famous bread company.


The killer bread-maker had been successful and his company [still] has plans to expand. However, something seemingly snapped inside Dahl and he either relapsed or simply went batty. It had also been reported that prior to Dahl's rampage terrorizing Washington County cops, he walked into his store in Milwaukie the day prior and terrorized his employees, before smashing a life-sized cutout display of himself and storming off. Employees called police, but Dahl was gone by the time they arrived.

This guy deserves an award for being a BADASS-FOR-LIFE, he does! Now if only Dahl were to change his product's name to, 'Dave's Cop-Killer Bread', I would invest stock!

Dave Dahl seen here - baking bread and roasting pigs!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Punk Band Vocalist Accused of Assault - Viral Lynch Mob Ensues

Taking a bit of a departure from roasting pigs for just a minute, there is something that needs to be addressed. There is a blackout, shut-down, and censoring of objectivity regarding this, which is why this forum is being made available. 


NYC Punk band THE CASUALTIES are currently on tour with Negative Approach and (Portland locals) Millions of Dead Cops. They had been scheduled to play a show here in Portland at the Branx club on Saturday Nov. 16th 2013. Recently a disturbing accusation surfaced  accusing Casualties lead singer Jorge Herrera of sexual assault [roughly] 16 years ago. The accusation came about via a [guest] post on a political blog called 'Put Your Damn Pants On'.  
The post was written by someone identified only as "Beth", which can be assumed is a pseudonym. The post is very long, but you are encouraged to read it and draw your own conclusion. The short version is, "Beth" accuses the Punk singer of making unwanted sexual advances at her (she never uses the word rape) at a house party roughly 16 years ago. The post was published on Nov. 5th, so one can reason that this allegation from the accuser is fresh and very recent. 

Since the post first appeared on that blog, it has been reposted by several other Punk and Alternative forums, including individuals who openly admit to having a severe vendetta against the band, independent of any rape allegations. Within a matter of a few days, a virtual witch hunt ensued. The band's FaceBook page had been deluged with many hundreds, if not thousands of comments - most negative and hysterical. This included many trolls who've seen fit to critique on the band's appearance and music, as well as opportunists who've admitted to never having heard of them in the first place. 

Jorg the vocalist, and by extension the band, were instantly assumed GUILTY-AS-FUCK by a viral surge of people who read a semi-anonymous account from one person... of an incident that was alleged to have happened 16 years ago. And anyone who DARED made attempts at objectivity or declared that they prefered to WAIT FOR MORE INFORMATION before picking sides was ruthlessly shouted down and slandered as "supporting rape culture". An attempt at just such objectivity failed when a submission regarding this issue and asking some inconvenient questions was [initially] published on Portland so-called "Indymedia". The submission was removed within an hour of it first being posted. 
Since then, The Casualties have been pulled from the Portland bill. 


... after

It turns out that the venue promoter for the show made the decision to kick the band off the 11/16 bill, and that the half-assed "reasoning" for this was due to anonymous phone calls, emails, and messages threatening to boycott and protest the show. Admission price for the show, however, had not been reduced - same as it had been when the headliner was still on.  

To be TERRIBLY FUCKING CLEAR, rape/rape culture is fucked up! Sexual assault is fucked up! Misogyny is fucked up! Being molested or having anything done to you against one's will is fucked up! 


But what's also fucked up are false allegations, viral lynch mobs, and trial-by-social media! And one must always be OBJECTIVE and SKEPTICAL when it comes to disseminating information on the internet. The band themselves have released a statement addressing this, as quoted:

"Living in the modern age of smartphones and social media it's easy for information to be shared and spread without any thought to it's validity. Anyone that is a fan of The Casualties or who knows us personally can confirm we do not support or condone abuse of any kind. While we fully support free speech and free opinion, unfortunately sometimes people can get careless and wrong information gets spread around. The claims are 100% FALSE and we appreciate all of the support we have received from around the world from our friends and fans. We always have and always will be a band that stands for equality, anti-racism, and unity."

Also, one of the sites which posted the original blog post has since taken it down, due not only to lack of evidence, but lack of verification that the alleged victim even exists! 


Now having read the post on the 'putyourdamnpantson' blog here are some facts that cannot be over-looked:

* The accusation comes from one person only. 
* This person, for some reason, decided to wait 16 years to tell her story (presumably, great advancements in technology and social/online media have made this more possible).
* There are no witnesses, even though this supposedly happened at a house party.
* This person claims that she's openly posted about her assault on Instagram and FaceBook before. However, no links are provided. In fact, the ONLY account of this that seems to exist anywhere on the internet is her one single blog submission, and nothing prior to Nov. 5th 2013.
* NO time, date, city, month, state, nor location of ANY sort are provided. All we are told is that this alleged assault happened at a house party (somewhere in the world, one might guess) 16 years ago.
* We don't even really know that this happened at a house party. You can read the post over again, all you'll get is that it happened in one room and [the victim] ran into another room where she barricaded herself until the next morning. So we can reasonably guess that the alleged attack took place in either a house or apt, at least.
* This person claims this happened to her  roughly 16 years ago (1997, roughly) when she was 16 years old. So she is 32 now. She says she is a mother, wife, home and business owner now. Yet, she still has not gotten over that some guy [apparently] tried to put his hands down her pants when she was a teenager. She considers herself a "casualty" (nice pun) and "survivor" of this experience. Yet, nothing in the post suggests she was forcibly and violently RAPED. Being molested in such a way is still goddamn lousy, yeah, and sucks that it happened (if it did). But eh, still...   
There is NO way to confirm that this attack happened in the country at all. 
There is no way to confirm that a single word of the post is true or accurate. 
* There is NO way to confirm whether the alleged victim, "Beth", even physically exists!


I'm not taking sides here and I will not engage in any level of victim-shaming! If "Beth's" accusations are indeed true, then Jorge should most certainly pay! And at the very least, there is NO discounting that sexual assault and sexual violence happens ALOT and that the Punk scene is in no way exceptional to this worldly fact. Which would make it all the more worse, should this turn out to be a complete goddamn fraud! 


People must be vigilant, discerning, skeptical, and objective in anything they disseminate in any media forum! Many millions of people (including professionals whose jobs it was to supposedly fucking know better) have been hoodwinked by some very emotionally-wrenching hoaxes:

False accusations can easily ruin the lives of innocent people:

Sometimes, things we read and hear about are being orchestrated [to us] by dangerous sociopaths:

And sometimes, telling lies can get innocent people killed.