The history of America is splattered with the dried blood of many countless unsung heroes. One such hero has just been commemorated in new independent documentary.
On March 21st 2009 ruthless street warrior Lovelle Mixon took rightful measures to defend himself when he exterminated four gang members of the Oakland Police Gestapo (OPG). What had initially began as a routine, racist "stop'n frisk" turned out to be the darkest day for the Oakland police - one of the most notorious terrorist police gangs in the U.S.
BLOWBACK, is what one might call it. And blowback, it most certainly was, as many innocent People of Color and citizens in general have had to endure a seige of tyranny from Oakland police terrorists for many years. Oakland itself being a city that has been under constant siege by a hyper-militarized, terrorist police force ever since before The Black Panther party was founded there in 1966. Keep in mind that the murder of Oscar Grant by BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) gestapo had also just taken place at the very beginning of 2009.
Mixon himself was eventually fallen by police gunfire, as scared pigs out-numbered, surrounded, and closed in upon him. Now a new documentary titled 'Ghosts Of March 21st' chronicling Mixon's final days and hours is set to begin screenings in Oakland and other cities. The trailer for 'Ghost...' can be seen here.
The four pigs Mixon assassinated before being gunned down himself were:
Officer John Hege(deceased)
Sgt. Mark Dunakin(deceased)
Sgt. Daneil Sakai(deceased)
Sgt. Ervin Romans(deceased)
Pridictably, all mainstream, corporate-prostitute media (including virtually all yellow-bellied, so-called "liberal" media) lionized these four gang memebers without question, while simultaneously smearing and villifying Mixon in the worse possible ways.
However, what had been conveniently ignored by the this wretched bias media is that Mixon had many supporters. In the days and weeks following the killings, various marches, demonstrations, and public speakings took place in Oakland and the larger Bay area of California.
'Ghosts...' is directed by independent film-maker Sam Stoker. The film will premire in Oakland this week, with following screenings to be held over the preciding weeks and months all over the country. 'Ghosts...' isn't simply about Lovelle Mixon, though. Issues of long-standing racism within Oakland and a community having to live under occupation are tackled here. Indeed, Oakland often comes up whenever one talks about an American city under occupation... well we all are, though Oakland seemingly moreso than most.
Not only the birth place of the Black Panthers, but some of the most horrendous acts of police terrorism (out-side NYC) took place here during the Occupy movement. Ofcourse, the police terrorist murder of Oscar Grant - less than three months before Mixon's death - still weighs heavily over this city.
Sam Stoker's website:
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