A massive manhunt is underway for an alleged cop-killer in PA. The suspect in question has been identified as Eric Matthew Frein, a self-proclaimed 'survivalist', bent on waging war against low-down, dirty, unjust cops.
Mass/corporate media descriptions of Frein are of course wildly and predictably sensationalistic. However, if even partially true, then Eric Frein is no doubt our next Christopher Dorner!
On September 12th 2014 a suspect ambushed two cops in rural Pennsylvania, killing one and seriously injuring the other. That suspect, later identified as 31 year old Eric Frein, was reported to have possessed advanced survivalist and marksmanship skills. Frein is also reportedly a war 're-enactor' who took part in an upcoming documentary titled 'Vietnam Appreciation Day'. The two police thugs allegedly targeted by Frein have been identified as PA state police terrorist Corporal Bryon C. Dickson II (DEAD) and PA state Trooper terrorist Alex Douglas (INJURED). The alleged attack occurred during a shift change at a barracks unit of the PA state police, which is located in the Pocono Mountains. The rural, wooded area lies within Pike County, near the township of Blooming Grove, PA. A .308 caliber sniper rifle was said to have been used in the alleged attack.
Officers down: The two police thugs suspect Eric Frein is alleged to have shot during an ambush on a trooper barracks in rural PA, Sept. 12th. Frein has since been added to the FBI's "most wanted" list, as the fugitive/patriot has so far eluded capture.
Sleepy no more: The normally quiet village of Blooming Grove Township, currently under siege due to massive police manhunt for Eric Frein. Even though there was never any indication that the fugitive ever posed a danger to the general public.
Since that barracks ambush on Sept. 12th, there has been an extremely intense "manhunt" underway for the self-styled survivalist. And Blooming Grove Township's 4800+ residents have felt the full iron grip of despotic, authoritarian thuggery as the entirety of region was conscripted into a Police Militarized Occupied Zone (PMOZ). Coming as absolutely no surprise, citizen's Civil rights have ended up being completely disregarded by police terrorists and the many agencies with which they are affiliated. For recent chilling historical examples of hyper-militarized police state-violence and DHS-ordered martial law having been employed against innocent citizens in pursuit of a single criminal suspect, see: Boston Bombing.
Frein has also been placed on the FBI's so-called "ten most wanted" list, with a bounty of up to $175K being offered for his head. And much as was the case for Chris Dorner and (Boston Bombing suspect) Dzhokhar Anzorovich "Jahar" Tsarnaev, the so-called "manhunt" for Eric Frein has commanded the full force of every so-called law enforcement agency - local, state, as well as federal - there is. Blooming Grove Township is also being subsected to the sight of something that must be new for them - a sight that is already very familiar to citizens in other U.S. cities, including Oakland, Boston, Ferguson, etc. ... militarized, police "siege" vehicles rolling down their streets. Residents of the area have also been under siege as police gestapo impose curfews, set up roadblocks, cordon off entire streets, etc. Such draconian police actions have prevented locals from leaving or returning to their homes, causing many to lose work and even forcing some to sleep in their cars. However, as off the publishing of this blog entry, Frein has thus far managed to evade police capture.
Funny how it is, whenever a COP murders someone, they don't end up on on any wanted posters...
And speaking of "terrorist" events, militarized super-cops, and DHS war powers being turned against American citizens in a post-IXXI world paradigm, a number of conspiracies regarding alleged cop-killer Frein have called his alleged crimes into question. Many people even openly speculated that the Sept. 12th ambush may have been a staged event. Others point to an alleged cheating affair between Frein's sister-in-law, and the injured cop Alex Douglass, suggesting that this might be a possible motive for Frein's actions, as oppose to an overall vendetta against cops in general.
So far, such allegations have not yet been substantiated, and obviously local authorities have strongly denied any such connections between officer Douglass and the alleged perpetrator's family. What is known however, is that Frein and Douglass did know each other, and that Douglass does infact live less than half a mile from the family of Eric's brother - Michael Frein and his wife Melissa Frein.
Michael Frein, brother of alleged cop-killer Eric seen here. Frein lives with his wife Melissa within half a mile of cop thug Alex Douglass, who was shot in the pelvis on Sept. 12th. M. Frein had initially been arrested himself, but was shortly released without charge.
Running scared: Militarized police gestapo conducting door-to-door searches, invading the homes of private residents and pointing M16 assault rifles at them. So much for the Fourth Amendment.
Summon the ROOK!: This six-ton, tank-tracked, $245K armored anti-personnel vehicle has been employed in the search for Frein.
A heavily armed cop stands at someone's driveway, pointing his assault weapon at the residence, invoking terror.
Fully militarized state-police gestapo set up an unannounced road block, preventing residents from both leaving and returning to their homes.
The fanatical police response to Frein is especially telling, considering that the he actually poses no threat to civilians. The fact is, an individual such as Frein, with his advanced weapons training and marksmanship skills, could so very easily have cultivated an impressive bloodbath. Desperate people who were much less skilled have done much worse. So again, as in the case of Chris Dorner, the police response has been insanely, wildly disproportionate to the target. This, despite the fact that civilians have never actually been under any threat from the suspect at large.
The more shit like this happens, the more people will WAKE UP and recognize the Police-State for what it actually is!
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