For better or worse, Chris Kyle is probably a household name by now. One of the filthiest, most vile PIGS ever in contemporary American military culture, Kyle was a U.S. Navy Seal who's sole attributes were good eye sight and ability to use an assault rifle. He is known for having murdered many dozens of innocent civilians during U.S. occupations in Iraq. He was also a brazen and unapologetic racist, and as much was made undeniably clear in his autobiography. A film (terrible on every conceivable level) based off of Kyle's writings was released in December 2014. In 2013, Kyle was shot and killed by a fellow solider, who's name wasn't as known (though it should have been). That solider - an ex-Marine - is Eddie Ray Routh. Between him and Kyle, Routh is the TRUE hero - about this there can be no doubt! Unfortunately, on February 24th 2015, Routh was found guilty by a Texas jury of Kyle's death, as well as another man identified as Chad Littlefield.
Here is some brief back-story on this case, and how these two men came to be, as it were: Depraved monster Chris Kyle first came to national prominence with his autobiography, 'American Sniper', published in January 2012. The book alleges, among many quasi-truths, that Kyle amassed to most "kills" of any military sniper in U.S. history. This is a dubious claim, at best. The book also reveals Kyle to be a psychopathic and astoundingly racist beast, as various verses (in his own words) demonstrates. While serving as a Navy SEAL in the military, Kyle gunned down a very high number of people. Of this, there is universal consensus. What that exact number is, remains an alleged *figure at best. Kyle served and carried out the bidding of corporate interests during the American war of Aggression against Iraq, post-IXXI. All of his victims were Iraqis. Some were probably resistance fighters. Most were certainly civilians... unarmed and completely INNOCENT. Kyle had already left the U.S. Navy in 2009 with an "honorable" discharge, when he co-wrote his book. He was shot dead by fellow comrade Routh, a Marine Corps veteran, at a TX shooting range in 2013. Routh was in and out of mental hospitals in the months after he was discharged. He had also been diagnosed with PTSD, as well as schizophrenia. In December 2014, a film adaption was released based on the book, of the same title. The film 'American Sniper', was a naked, shameless piece of nationalist propaganda, as well as a generally mediocre movie. The movie itself, with all its own issues, is simply a flimsy shill for money. The book from which the movie is based, is significantly more problematic. Since his book was released, Kyle has been revealed to have been an out-right LIAR on several serious accounts. Here are just a few of the more outrageous LIES Kyle has told in his book:
- He "knocked out" (former Navy Seal, pro-wrestler, and MN governor) Jesse Ventura in a bar once, for "bad-mouthing" the Seals... LIE!
- He once beat up two guys who attempted to car-jack him... LIE!
- He shot dozens of looters during Hurricane Katrina... LIE!
- He found WMD's while on duty in Iraq...LIE!
- He was going to donate 100% of proceeds from his book sales to charity... LIE!
Some individuals are true American heroes. And they do so without murdering innocent people, nor firing a single shot. For more info. on what an actual hero and patriot looks like, see the film 'Citizen Four'.
Simo Hayha, a Finnish soldier during the First World War, proved to be a far more deadly and prolific sniper than Chris Kyle could ever hope or dream to have been. The Russians, who invaded Finland during this war, deemed Hayha the "White Death". He scared the RUSSIANS!

Chris Kyle was NO hero - not by a long shot! He was a racist, mass-murdering psychopathic thug who deserved to DIE! And his executioner, Eddie Ray Routh, should be pardoned and honored for ridding the world of such a depraved wretched monster. For some final TRUTH of Chris Kyle, go HERE.
I feel bad for you. You must love being a rude Neanderthal towards honorable men. I hope you are satisfied you sadistic monster. Chris Kyle was a Navy SEAL and put his life on the line to keep America safe.
ReplyDeleteHe killed people that he had no justification for . "Hey they have oil and terrorist lets go pew pew every mother fucker them damn savages " is practically his thought process and he actually called them savages . Hes a racist asshole who thinks hes all that
ReplyDeleteActually, if you had a gun pointed towards American soldiers at any moment, or were considered any threat to US soldiers, you were fired upon. Not just by Chris Kyle but many others. It's not racist when you defend your country. Now in 2016, they are trying to kill cops on our US soil. They are the racist with a bullshit religion set on murdering Americans. I'll side with being a racist if it means I live to see tomorrow because some bogus religion or even terrorist wanted to try to threaten my way of life. Grow a pair and stop voting democrat. Learn some respect and honor
DeleteAnd simo hayha is better in every way. Were the iraqis invading america? No. Simo was killing people who were actually killing people on his homeland and he didnt go bragging "i shot them commies in the face " he was quite about it because he knew killing was bad unlike kyle who said it was fun
ReplyDeleteScrew you web site Chris Kyle laid his life down for America and got killed by his Owen
ReplyDeleteThis writer is a piece of trash who obviously has never served a day in his life with any military. You spread your own lies and propaganda, Kyle was a hero and save many lives with every shot he took. He was shot and killed while trying to help that piece of shit, so screw you asshole...
ReplyDeleteI'm glad people like you exist and insist on sharing your poorly-written trash with the rest of us. I laughed alot at your grammatical errors, spelling errors and the mistakes/misinformation you provided about the military as well as that particular situation. The end result is that I feel more love and respect than ever before towards Kyle, Littlefield and others that stand for the same. Your ignorance is a blessing. Please continue to show us how arrogant and misinformed you are. I needed the laugh!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. Your opinions are most appreciated here.
DeleteI bet you're just a fatass gaming nerd just trying to act tough behind a damn computer screen. You probably spend your whole day just figuring out a way to get attention writing about stupid shit that makes no damn sense. In war you don't choose if killing a kid holding a god damn grenade or a man with a fucking AK-47 is the right or bad thing to do. You do it because you have to to protect the man next to you. That is what he was doing. Just protecting his people. I bet you wouldn't have the balls to protect your own you disgusting piece of shit. You're the one who deserves to die here. Stop watching the news and open your fucking eyes.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your input. Your opinions are highly valued here at Targeting Cops.
DeleteLot of BS on this page.
ReplyDeleteThis page is full of lies. You must be un-American or a worthless piece of shit. Chris Kyle did more when scratched his ball than you have in your whole life. You may have the freedom of speech to write such bullshit, but fact is, he risked his life so you can run your mouth. I'm sure you sleep just well at night knowing you're a blasphemous liar and that people like you have brought upon the demise of this once great nation. Learn some honor and respect for those that give you such freedoms to openly write and publish lying websites such as this.