Officers down: Loathsome Ferguson cops inspect this riot helmet, belonging to one of two cops who were shot early Thursday morning. This particular cop was shot right in the face. Notice the blood splatters on the ballistic shield.
On Thursday March 12th 2015, two Ferguson pigs were shot while standing guard outside the local police terrorist headquarters. Video footage of the scene can be viewed HERE. The video is shaky and of poor visual quality, but the audio is very clear. Citizens had been rallying near by, largely in response to a recent DOJ report citing rampant racism and legal extortion (arresting and fining the city's majority Black population way out of proportion, using them as a tax base) as the source of most of Ferguson's woes. In addition, Thursday's peaceful street actions were also a response to the DOJ's failure to prosecute killer cop Darren Wilson.

Street actions in Ferguson have been on-going since peckerwood Wilson gunned down unarmed Black teen Michael Brown back in August of 2014. To be clear, condoning or celebrating any level of harm that might befall a law enforcement officer - no matter how utterly wretched that officer may be - is indefensible. That being said, a reasonable argument can be made that, what happened Thursday was most likely due to the Ferguson Police Terrorist regime's total refusal to fully and honestly acknowledge citizen's grievance. And now one can only wonder why such a thing had not happened much sooner. Thursday's shooting also comes in the wake of Ferguson Gestapo police chief Thomas Jackson's resignation. [Former] chief Jackson was finally forced to step down after the DOJ's report came back. Many citizens who rallied outside the Ferguson Police Terrorist stronghold were also addressing Jackson's resignation.
St. Louis cops arrested a suspect on Saturday March 14th in the shootings. He has been identified as 20 year old Jeffery Williams.It is not yet clear whether the alleged shooter Williams had deliberated targeted the two cops - one having been shot in the face, the other in the shoulder. Williams has been charged with aggravated assault. The two cops injured cops have not yet been identified. The one who was shot in the face is reported to be 32 years old, from Webster Groves, MO. The other is 41 and was shot in the shoulder. He is a St. Louis County officer. Their injuries were reported to not have been life-threatening. They both are expected to live.
Poppin' cops: Alleged shooting suspect Jeffrey Williams seem here.
UPDATE: shooting suspect Jeffery Williams made his first court appearance today on Monday March 16th. He was formally charged with two counts of first degree assault along with a weapon's offense, and his bail was set at $300,000. Williams was said to have used a 40mm handgun in the alleged shooting. There are reports that Williams was abused by cops during his arrest Saturday. These allegations were addressed by his lawyer while in court Monday. Contrary to earlier media reports - and police descriptions - the shooting was not an "ambush" and it's likely that cops weren't even the initial targets. Williams himself insists that he was not aiming at cops, but instead someone with whom he had a personal dispute. Later reports also indicate that Williams was possibly robbed earlier that day, and that the shooting was an attempted retaliation. Initial police speculation also [strongly] suggested that Williams was part of the protest group. This also is not true.

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