Tuesday, August 15, 2017
WHITE TERRORISM: Murder & Mayhem in Charlottesville!
Trump's uber alles are going all out.
Increasingly emboldened by Der Fuhrer's illegal occupation of the White House, Klansmen aren't even bothering with the hoods and bed sheets anymore. This past weekend - August 11th and 12th - around a thousand White supremacists casually marched and rallied in Charlottesville, VA. Past Alt-Right rallies have mostly consisted of collections of racist nerds, Proud boys, Men's Rights activists, and general Trump supporters (many of whom cosplayed in ridiculous football gear and plastic Spartan helmets). Such rallies (including here in Portland) have also had a smattering of three of four self-hating coons, which allowed Alt-Righters to disingenuously deny the 'racism' tag, so far to no avail. But twin rallies in Charlottesville over the weekend were significantly more sinister. They consisted of hard-core criminal racist thugs, actual Neo-Nazis, un-hooded Ku Klux Klansmen, Confederate militia types (and some Proud boys), etc. The group carried lit tiki torches and shields with racist symbolism Friday night... a deliberate re-enactment of Nazi rallies in 1930's Germany, as well as torch-carrying Klansmen during many cross-burning rituals decades ago. Chants of "Jews will not replace us" and "Blood and Soil" were a common theme. Instead of silly "Kekistan" flags, Confederate and Swastika flags were on full display, zero fucks given.
Not racist: Raging Nazi Proud boy Peter Cvjetanovic seen in the forefront of this [now viral] photo, during his attendance at the Nazi/KKK rally in VA last Friday night. The U. of Nevada undergrad spent his student loan money to fly from Reno to the Alt-Reich circlejerk, but insists he's not racist.
Must be tiki time: More photo evidence from last week's Nazi/Klan rally in Charlottesville.
In a rally dubbed "Unite the Right", the White supremacists were protesting the planned removal of a statue dedicated to despised Confederate general Robert E. Lee. Even though the city and region are conservative (with high rates of White trash and methamphetamine abuse), the racists were challenged by thousands more counter-protesters. Violence has been reported, with racist gangs assaulting Leftist protesters and militia thugs with assault rifles literally taking over public streets. Local and state police, useless as ever, did nothing but stood by as all this went on. Their inaction speaks volumes. Cops have decided which side they're on. Speaking of useless - fake illegitimate "president" Trump refused to call out the racist thugs responsible for the violence and death that took place in the VA town. Initially claiming that there was violence from "many sides", Trump didn't want to rattle his base.
The following Saturday afternoon, Leftists, progressives, and antifascists marched in the city, posing a counter-force against racists who were holding another rally near-by. In a deliberate act of terrorism, A Nazi Proud boy rammed his gray Dodge Challenger into a group of antifascist activists, who were marching down a street. One person was murdered, and 19 others injured, some seriously. The murder victim has been identified as 32 year old Heather Heyer, a paralegal who worked for a law firm in VA, and was active in Civil rights and other social justice causes. The White terrorist has been identified as 20 year old James Alex Fields Jr., a Neo-Nazi Proud boy who worshiped Adolf Hitler. Fields was photographed earlier in the day, standing rank and file with members of Vanguard America, a terrorist group of Neo-Nazi Proud boys who led the racist marches. Fields is pictured along with others, wearing a White polo shirt and holding a makeshift shield adorning the terrorist groups's insignia.
Since there is soo much to cover, I will continue talking about events from Charlottesville, the fallout, and related in subsequent entries. Lock and load. Keep up the RESISTANCE!
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