Monday, May 8, 2017
Strickland Sentenced/Banned From Owning Guns
Back in July of last year I covered the frightening, yet cringe-worthy hijinks of local vlogger and alt-right terrorist shit-eater Michael Aaron Strickland. A self-proclaimed "citizen journalist", Strickland's MO was video recording progressive rallies in order to smear them on his YouTube channel 'Laughing At Liberals'. This was his very intention when he stalked a Don't Shoot Portland/BLM rally outside the Justice Center last July. DSP/BLM was holding what had been merely one of dozens of protest rallies in front of police regimes all over the country at the time. The collective actions had been in response to the high-profile police murders of two Black men in two different incidents, within two days of one another. Alton Sterling was murdered by terrorists cops in Baton Rouge on July 5th 2017. Philando Divall Castile was murdered the following day in St. Anthony, MINN.
Strickland had shown up to the Portland rally for the same reason he always had: to video record progressive actions, antagonize and harass participants, and post sneakily-edited footage to his youtube channel for purposes of mockery, propaganda, and neo-fascist recruitment. A known right-wing agitator, Strickland was quickly spotted and shooed away. That's when the conservative loser pulled out a loaded handgun and used it to threaten unarmed people. Strickland was arrested and charged with 21 criminal counts, including 10 counts of unlawful use of a weapon, 10 counts of menacing, and one count of disorderly conduct. In February after a week-long trial, he was found guilty on all 21 counts. On Thursday march 4th, Strickland, 37, was sentenced to serve 40 days in jail and 240 hours of community service. He's also been banned from video-taping protesters until 2018. And he's been banned from owning guns for life.
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